Monday, April 19, 2010

Ode to Annie Kays...

Located in the previous zip code was my favorite health food store. At Annie Kays, I would purchase all kind of things, daily when it was across my business, including Chunks of Energy (previously blogged about circa summer '09). Here in my new zip code I am surrounded by health food stores/nice grocery stores but none that carry my favorite, chocolate-like variety of this product. 

On Sunday, reminiscing about my dear friend Paula and her carob coated treats I created my own. 

Finally, FINALLY!! I have constructed a recipe that is so close to the real thing I feel like I am standing on Main Street across from my old business, leaving what was formerly known as the Coffee Mill with something-like-an old friend, (probably after an amazing yoga class at Omkarra), before heading up the hill to a little cottage house located in 24141.  For a brief moment I go there... a little reminiscent and a little sad.  Minutes later, circa reality, I was back to the present and realizing that I love my Chaotic Kitchen on K, my homemade energy bars and my new life filled with many new people, places and things.  I am glad I can re-create memories with food but on a daily basis I am more and more sure that some things are better left in the past...

The recipe, tm sdp, is as follows.

Chunks of Energy 20037 Style
¼ cup coconut
1/8 cup almond butter
¼ cup fig
1/8 cup dried cranberries
¼ cup carob chips
¼ cup walnuts crushed
1/8 cup quinoa*, not cooked

Melt carob chips and almond butter, stir the in the remaining items.  Place in casserole dish about 1 inch thick and refrigerate.  Cut into  1 inch chunks.  Keep refrigerated. *The quinoa adds added protein and amazing crunch... kind of like a healthy nestle crunch! 

Learn it. Love it.  Spread it like the gospel (to health foodies, of course).

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